Monday, 18 January 2016

How To Deal With Stress In The Workplace

4 Ways to Be a Stress-Free Employee at Work

Wise men once said that one needs to work with the things that he loves so that he may never have to feel like working for the rest of his life. It's a really nice quote isn't it? But still, in reality, we often cannot choose to work with things that we love for so many reasons. Bound with the social pressure, a stress-free employee at work is really hard to come by these days.

The High Cost of Stress requires Employee to be Stress-Free
In case, if you didn't know, a stressful employee is very costly to both the employee and the company. An online community for business owners called EnMast has summed up that the cost of stress in America has reached nearly $300 billion.

The staggering amount of $300 billion is divided into health costs, absent and poor performance. It means that the company will never reach its maximum profit while the employees themselves will never gain maximum benefit out of its professional career.

Therefore, it is highly important for an employee to be stress-free at work.

What can you do to be a Stress-Free Employee?
You don’t have to wait after office hour to be stress-free. As the cause of your stress occurred when you are at your office then you need to resolve it right at the crime scene. If not, then you are just going to keep circling back through a vicious circle. 
1. Time Out! Yes, what you need is a time-out. Everybody needs a break every now and then, and whenever you already at your limit, it is alright to take a time-out.

2. Recharge and Refresh. A time-out allows you to take a solitary moment to enjoy yourself. Whether you are just daydreaming or dilly-dallying with coworkers, it is surely worth it to give it a try to be stress-free.

3. See Problems as Challenges. Once you are filled with positive energy, you can change your paradigm by seeing your problem as your challenge. Remember, stress comes because something is definitely worthy enough to be done.

4. Shift your Focus. Already tried hard enough, but still stuck with the same problem. Perhaps it is time for you to shift your focus to something else. An employee must be burden with multiple tasks, therefore, take it as your own plaything to jump around from one to another to alter your mood.

Now then, out of those four steps, do you found any that could not be done while you are at the office? Surely none, right!? Those four steps above can all be done during your office-hour to be a stress-free employee even if your boss often yelled at you. As in Buddha teachings, “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

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